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BIO-iNspired surveIllanCe System

Using the power of nature to accurately detect security threats in real time

Ulster University School of Computing, Engineering and Intelligent systems commercial project

Ulster University

Bionics is a Bioinspired video surveillance software for security services, that reduces time and work in filtering evidential data by speeding up and identifying relevant objects using deep learning Artificial Intelligence software.

We are a Bio-inspired video surveillance AI software solution for the industry in both the public and private sectors. BIONICS artificial vision system is inspired by and based on the computationa l power of the retina so that it can accurately detect threats and events of interest with minimal human intervention. This improves detection accuracy and monitoring capacity due to the incorporation AI which reduces the time and work required to filter evidential data, speeding up detection of events and objects through deep learning software of cctv footage.

Automated artificial vision technology is becoming more widely adopted for monitoring and surveillance applications to reduce the need for physical resources and human intervention. These systems suffer from weaknesses in artificial vision technologies resulting in imprecise learning and false or missed detections. Biological visual systems are vastly superior in terms of performance for real -time and low-power applications when compared with conventional artificial vision technologies. To enable automated surveillance technology to cope with the challenges of dynamic visual conditions, existing artificial vision technology must be improved. Biologically inspired artificial vision algorithms have already demonstrated their effectiveness in dealing with these challenges.

BIONICS is an InvestNI Proof of Concept project building on the retinal ganglion cell models developed in the VISUALISE project. BIONICS aims to take the VISUALISE ganglion cell model technology towards a marketable product of a biologically inspired hardware image encoder and feature detector for security cameras.The main advantages are a reduction in staff load, reduction of missed detections, reduction in false positives and real time response potential. BIONICS, directly improves operational efficiencies and results while reducing costs in control centres.

you can still find the ppt here:Bionics